Welcome! This is the blog of Wendy Whellum and Legend and Lace Designs

Welcome to the Blog of Wendy Whellum and Legend and Lace

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Quilt Gallery

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Straight from the Scrap Box

My scrap box is overflowing still, so it makes me think about new projects.  years ago I made a String Pieced star quilt and never really like it  much once it was finished because it was so heavy.  The reason it was so heavy is because I sewed the "strings" onto a background - double and tripple the thickness.

Instead of sewing through to the background fabric, you just use it as a guide and sew only onto the next fabric.  Press all the pieces once you finish sewing them, flip it over, and trim with the edge of the background fabric.  You can press as you go, but that is such a waste of time to me.  Now cut that background off as it is no longer needed - it was just a guide.

I am working straight from the box, just checking the pieces for length, and trimming with the scissors as I need to.  There are two boxes like this, and there are some real old time treasures in them.

The background fabric is one I bought ages ago, for something special, and changed my mind.  It has just been sitting in the very bottom of the cupboard.  So I am doing a good thing freeing up all this fabric :-))

By the way, the top photo is not the finished result - it grows - so stay tuned!


  1. My scrap basket is very full but I don't have time to do anything with the pieces right now. Good for you using some of yours.

  2. Great use of all those scraps, this will be such a wonderful colourful quilt given that you are being so random with your fabric selection!!!
