Quilt Gallery

Monday, August 16, 2010

Beyond the Cherry Trees - Block 11

I was hoping this block would be released in time for me to take to the retreat last week.  I kept stalking the Sentimental Stitches site hoping....anyway, it did appear a couple of days later, and what an ugley little block it looked!  I have no idea how Gay managed to interpret the block.  It is just about falling apart! 

I chose the prettiest basket fabric I could find in the hope it would give it new life.  There are a few more baskets to come in this quilt, and I get to use my other pretty fabrics on those I hope.  We hae only 14 blocks to go, and a whole border.  Hope I can keep up the pace.


  1. I have just found your blog, via Be*mused, and I love it. Can't wait to have an hour or so to browse through all your projects. They look amazing.

  2. The block turned out great! Can't wait to get mine started as it came out while we were on vacation and I am just settling back into a routine here at home. Love your basket fabric choice, too.

  3. I just found your blog through "Be-Mused". You do beautiful applique! I did a version of the "Circuit Rider" quilt but did mine with a fused raw edge method and also made a couple block changes. Mine was to be for a family auction and that is why I did the easier method. As it turns out, I still have the quilt. Long story.
    I will be back to visit.
